A Special Valentine's Day At Sistering
The Valentine's Day team out to encourage the women. Twenty volunteers from the Toronto Central Chapter spent an hour at Sistering serving 100 women herbal teas, pastries and a "goodie bag" filled with cookies and chocolates for Valentine’s Day. A special part of the day was the entertainment where seven volunteers sang or read poetry. They sang wonderful and lively songs such as Unwritten, Video and I Will Survive. Singing and encouraging the women at Sistering The women from Sistering sang, danced and clapped along. The day was well received with great feedback. One of the women who participated said “ This is special that you would do this for us, could your group come back once every few months." The women were thankful that our women from the Toronto Central chapter would spend their Valentine's day serving them. If you wish to find out more information and join the women volunteer team for Sistering please send an email to communications@hopewwcananada.org and we will connect you with the coordinator Debbie Rayburn.