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Recent News


Winnipeg Volunteers Serving from a Distance

How can we continue to serve during a time when loving our neighbours means staying home and keeping a physical distance? Volunteers in Winnipeg have found several ways and are busy serving the community while keeping safe!

Hampers for a Community In Need

Our volunteers recently donated supplies for 15 hampers for First Nations families from Winnipeg’s North End community. The families affected currently reside in transitional housing specifically for First Nations patients who require ongoing lifesaving treatment for renal failure, cancer, and other chronic health issues. Many families are unable to work as they are displaced from their homes or are without work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Winnipeg Chapter is partnering with a local middle school, Leila North Community School, whose teachers have been supporting the program for many years. Collection of items will be ongoing over the next several months!

Foster Care Support

HOPE worldwide Canada is also working with our main partner, the Winnipeg Church of Christ Inc., to meet needs of youth and families being supported by Winnipeg Child & Family Services Agencies. Needs are found through the Care Portal, a tool that connects churches to youth and families in need. Since the pandemic began, the Campus Ministry volunteers have been able to meet the needs of 2 families, including helping a University student move off of campus as the University he attended was requesting all students leave residence. You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them.

Looking Out for Needs

As the pandemic situation continues, we hope that more needs can be met using creativity and the many tools available in Manitoba to match volunteers with people in the community. We are asking all volunteers to examine the online tool options available to them for serving:

  • Nextdoor App – connect with people in your neighbourhood

  • — the Manitoba government website that lists needs in the community that volunteers can offer to meet.

  • – support local businesses that are still operating

So whether our volunteers in Winnipeg choose 1 or more of the options we’ve listed to serve or find other ways to meet needs, we know they will do so with a heart to serve while also maintaining the physical distancing protocols of the Manitoba government.

If you have any more suggestion on how our volunteers can serve our neighbours in need or if you would like to get involved with our Winnipeg Chapter, please contact


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