Edmonton Winter Drives Warms Hands and Hearts
October is the start of cold weather in Alberta and our volunteers in Edmonton decided to take action to ensure both hands and hearts of many in need are kept warm. On October 13th approximately 50 volunteers took time to deliver 2500 door hangers to neighbourhoods in Edmonton, St. Albert and Sherwood Park. The door hangers listed information about the winter clothing and food items to be collected in support of local programs providing aid in the community. Our volunteers collected 203 coats, 55 snow pants, 363 hats, scarves and gloves, 58 pairs of boots, 16 bags of uncounted items and approximately 187 kg of food. All clothing donations were delivered to Page The Cleaners, a local company who clean all donations before sending them to United Way’s Coats For Kids & Families program. All food collected was then dropped off at the local food bank in it’s area. This year we supported the Edmonton and Sherwood Park Food banks. For more information on this and other projects to benefit those in need within Edmonton, please contact edmonton@hopewwcanada.org . We are already looking forward to our 4th annual Food and Winter Clothing Drive next October 2019!