Winnipeg's 3rd Annual Autism Community Family Picnic
The Winnipeg chapter of HOPE worldwide Canada along with OHEYS Autism Programs will be holding our third annual Autism Community Family picnic on Saturday June 22 . The event will take place at St. John's Park in Winnipeg starting at 1:00 pm! Space is limited so please visit the link below to register your family! Individuals (children-to-adult) on the autism spectrum and their families are welcome to come out and enjoy activities, games and a free hot dog picnic lunch! We are organizing activities to ensure everyone at all ages and stages is fully engaged and having fun. Respite workers are welcome to bring participants with autism as well. Attendees last year had a great time and felt comfortable being around other families living with autism. ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Free Hot Dog Picnic Lunch (get tickets on arrival), Photo Booth (bring your camera), ball and beanbag games, Frisbee, running games, parachute games......... and more…check out the slide show to see all the fun from last year! Please sign up for the picnic on our registration page so we can plan for food and supplies – space is limited! For more information please contact Krista Wiebe or text 204-797-6020. If you would like to volunteer your time to assist, please contact Krista at