Immediately after Typhoon Haiyan struck, HOPE worldwide Philippines was on the ground mobilizing food, water and necessary life-saving relief items. Winnipeg's Filipino community also hit the ground running, providing donations and arranging fundraisers to help their homeland. Donors across Canada and especially in Winnipeg chose HOPE worldwide of Canada to get the much needed support back to the Philippines.
On April 10th our Winnipeg chapter along with the Winnipeg Church of Christ Inc. is hosting a fundraiser - an evening of inspiration - where we will hear stories of what happened after the storm from guest speaker Koko Enrile.

Francisco ‘Koko’ Enrile II has been involved with HOPE worldwide Philippines since its humble beginning in 1993. In 2004, the United States Department of Agriculture chose HOPE worldwide Philippines to build one of the largest treatment facilities for child abuse and appointed Koko Enrile to be the country's Director. Following his tenure as Director, Koko went on to serve HOPE worldwide Philippines as Chairman of the Board from 2006 to 2009. These days Koko, along with his family, continues to actively volunteer, serve and travel the globe to inspire and call others to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Join us on April 10th to hear from Koko the impact our donations had on the lives of those affected by the Typhoon, how HOPE worldwide Philippines is still working with the community and his call to all of us to continue to make a difference not only abroad but also at home in Canada.
Tickets are $10 and proceeds from the event will go towards the repair of schools damaged by Typhoon Haiyan in Tolosa,Leyte.
Contact Emmanuel Trawon (204) 298-4664 0r Michael Pajemolin for tickets or more information.